Guest Rooms : The Guest Rooms are made available as per Tariff Rates. The Rules and Regulations for Guest Rooms.
Banquet Hall : The Banquet Hall is available for get together and allied functions on specific changes. The changes may be reviewed by the managing committee from time to time.
The Guest Rooms shall consist of 20 sets of AC double rooms and 05 AC suites of the Club Buildings. The Secretary/Committee at his/its discretion may allot the Rooms to Members' Guest/Members of affiliated Clubs.
A Member reserving Guest Rooms or residing in them shall not be permitted tc sub-let them to any person.
Applications for Guest Rooms shall be made to the Secretary in writing, and allotment of vacant rooms shall be made by him according to the date of the Application.
No Member shall occupy a room without giving previous intimation to the Secretary of his intention to do so.
The charges may be reviewed by the Managing Committee from time to time.
No resident Member is authorized to stay in the Guest Room.
Each Member is entitled to reserve only two Rooms for a period not exceeding 3 days.
Separate Rules have been framed and exhibited at the Chambers with regard to occupation, rental and upkeep of the Rooms which shall be followed by the occupants.
The Managing Committee may ask a guest on occupation of Rooms to vacate the Room for misbehaviour or violation of Club's Bye-Laws or Dress Code.